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Especial: E3: Mentiras con algo de Verdad

Jcastaroth688Hace 12 años128
Rumor de la nueva consola de NINTENDO llamada CURRENT
The System:
- Uses a custom IBM triple-core CPU running at 3.6GHz per core
- The development kit contains 1gb RAM, but Nintendo have hinted that the console will actually have 1.5gb
- Nintendo will be releasing games that will run 1080p natively. Sources say that with Nintendo’s art style and the poewer the system, the games look ‘stunning’.
- The system does run on AMD R700 card, but the architecture is slightly different and the clock speeds are much higher.
- The System resembles JPN/EU SNES machines in color only and not in shape
- The development kit is about the size of a 360, not the console
- Close sources say it’s as if Nintendo is in “damage control” with 3rd party developers. Nintendo is trying really hard to get 3rd parties on board to develop games and have offered incentives such as not releasing big-title Nintendo games in holiday seasons to compete against 3rd party titles.
- Nintendo went to many 3rd party developers on guidance on what they were after with the new console in terms of system specs, controller and online system.
The Controller:
- Nintendo have been keeping this really quiet and have only given developers controller prototypes to start designing games. However, the final controller build with all the features have only been given to Nintendo 1st and 2nd party developers for now.
- Nintendo had planned on inserting a screen on the controller back when the Gamecube was in development, but opted out due to technology not being advanced enough to be functional
- The controller that’s been given to developers has a large 5.7inch hd (960x640pixel) screen, 2 analogue sticks, 4 face buttons, 3 middle buttons (select/home/start in that order), 2 shoulder buttons and 2 triggers.
- The triggers aren’t as deep as the 360’s triggers, but have plenty of push
- The big thing about the screen is that it’s a multi-touch screen, contains it’s own battery and is detachable from the controller unit
- The screen when detached contains its own memory so developers can store data on it, so gamers can play whatever the developer designs for the screen-only use
- When the screen is attached to the controller it works by streaming content directly from the console
- Nintendo are giving developers ideas other than just having it function as a quick menu screen for games while attached, or as a simple tamagochi-like mini-game when detached
- The controller contains a gyroscope, but motion controls isn’t the focus of the controller like it was for the Wii
- Nintendo will release a Mario platformer as a launch title which hasn’t been done since the N64.
- The Mario platformer looks to be the spiritual successor to Mario 64.
- Gamefreak and EAD are hard at work developing a Pokemon online RPG.
- The Pokemon RPG is not an MMO, but does have a large online emphasis and will be Nintendo’s flagship title when showing off the online capabilities of the console.
- There will be at least one new IP Nintendo will reveal at E3.
- Nintendo is working on a new Zelda, but didn’t reveal anything to developers.
- Some developers have had the Wii 2 dev kit for going on 2 years now. When the Wii 2 is released in late, that’s 3 years to develop games on.
- Because of such generous development time, Nintendo have pushed 3rd parties to develop high quality games to be released at or near launch.
- Nintendo have sourced an external company to develop their online network, which the developer has commented, surpasses both the PS3 and 360 in terms of speed and functionality.
- Nintendo is pushing for the console to be online 24/7 and have seamless online integration with many of their games
- Friend codes are confirmed to be gone
- Nintendo has been toying with the idea of a game where the main character is your Mii
- Nintendo will be pushing their Pokemon RPG to showcase their online network
- Rockstar are supposedly hard at work in bringing on of their “most popular” titles to the console.
PS: Si no le entienden al ingles, facil, metanse a google translate y le dan traducir! Todo esto es rumor hasta que sea probado cierto, esperen la confirmacion durante este E3 2011.
M3GADETH401Hace 12 años129
JODER, esto realmente si parece verdad... aunque claro... quisiera fuente y alcabo falta poco para el E3. Lo de Mario como titulo de lanzamiento, me parece EXCELENTE, sobre Rockstar, realmente creo que anunciaran GTA V en Project Café, pero en el E3 no, supongo sera despues. Lo de Zelda es obvio, se saca consola y ya se trabaja en Mario, Zelda y Metroid tal vez. Y ya sobre rumores... creo xbox 720 sera mostrado en Teaser Trailer y no se hablara de la consola ni nada... se acaba el video y hablaran de kinect...... play 4 hasta el otro año.
Fromsky2991Hace 12 años130
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Halo 4?... en el halo 3 no mueren todos? no se a hecho ya el pasado de todos los halos? no se a hecho una secuela a halo 2 o algun halo? y ahora halo 4? haber se que no podeis dar a mas pero porfavor... si sacais un halo nuevo meter aunque sea una arma nueva y un tipo de bichito nuevo... nada mas para inovar un poco los 10 o mas años que lleva la saga con las mismas armas, los mismos bichos, los mismos personajes... en fin desastroso. El project cafe ese... tampoco me apasiona nada, no le encuentro nada divertido tener un mando con una pantalla... pero en fin ya no saben que inventarse. Un saludo.
Halo??? las mismas armas??? los has jugado?? acaso la DMR estaba en HALO 3, el lanzador de plasma tambien? el localizador de objetivos igual? y la tenia reticula en HALO 3, tampoco existian las habilidades de armadura. y ni hablar de las armas del Covenant. si vas a criticar, mejor se mas objetivo. porque no criticas a los COD por siempre tener un AK 47?
Atpepino216Hace 12 años131
No sé por qué colocan esta noticia como reportaje a la pc, o en la sección PC siendo que no hay nada relacionada con ésta.
Danny-D2359Hace 12 años132
Todavia recuerdo como hace un año o dos pusieron a Skyrim una probabilidad de salir en el E3 del 10%. Al menos para mi estaba clarisimo que lo iban a presentar, y si no recuerdo mal asi fue. Bueno, creo que me equivoco, pero en conclusión muchas veces algunos porcentajes estan subiditos o bajaditos en función del hype, porque pueden darse dos cosas en función de hype alto:

-Mucho hype y el redactor infla el porcentaje

-Mucho hype por un rumor de una continuación, pero al no haber confirmación desde hace tiempo no creen que vaya a salir ya y lo ponen bajito (como paso con Skyrim, que era solo un rumor y todos deseabamos a los Dioses que fuera a salir).
RICK-BLAZE3335Hace 12 años133
Con que Microsoft de una conferencia potente, yo me doy por bien servido.
Formas62Hace 12 años134
[b]Diablo III ni porsiacaso salio [/b]
Kleidel1787Hace 12 años135
[b]Uff, buenas noticias, pero en lo personal, lo que mas espero es el lanzamiento de GTA V.[/b] 
But507719Hace 12 años136
Ojala que salga god of war IV
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