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Comentarios del análisis de Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection

ChrisCross66Hace 2 años96
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@Carlosalonso Si te parece buen negocio para ti pasar dos veces por caja cuando la competencia lo hace completamente gratis e incluso en juegos retrocompatibles... sólo se me viene una palabra a la mente: Lobotomizados
Entiendo que haya gente que no le parezca justo pagar ni un solo euro por jugar a la versión más mejorada. Para algo se ha comprado ya la nueva consola, y quizás si debería cambiar mi mensaje ahí pues realmente es injusto que te hagan gastar dinero en eso. Pero por lo menos en mi caso me conviene por lo dicho, obtengo el Legado Perdido que no tuve la oportunidad de jugarlo antes a un precio bastante razonado. Pero vaya, que aún así me parece absurda la comparación con Nintendo cuando lo de su online es de traca (no voy a pagar por algo que ni funciona) y te hacen gastar 60 euros en tres rooms y otros 60 euros en un remastered. Y lo digo como usuario de Switch
Bueno, igual me pasé un poco, pero es el sentimiento general. Tu y muchos le van a sacar partido a esta edición, pero me parece que tienen una jeta increíble. Un juego que para mi gusto tienen un pase y ya está, pero eso ya es cuestión de gustos. En cuanto a Nintendo, estoy también de acuerdo con tu comentario, las empresas están para ganar pasta y tienen que atraer a nuevos usuarios. Que nadie nos pone una pistola en la cabeza para adquirir esos juegos y servicios, pero ya se pasan de castaño oscuro. Esto lo veo un caso distinto, respecto a las colecciones de Nintendo que son de anteriores generaciones (la de zelda tienes que tener una cube/wii). Pero Uncharted? que poco más y lo daban con los cereales. Tengo las 4 plataformas principales.
Michukratos16562Hace 2 años97
Me parece de vergüenza ofrecer un remaster tan pobre l.

10 euros son justificables si pones algunas mejoras de peso,ñ que denoten trabajo detrás pero es el mismo juego a 60 frames. Algo que con TloU2 pusieron gratis, por poner un ejemplo de juegos del mismo estudio.
BlackFlag1969342Hace 2 años98
Una pregunta, ¿Hay tiempo limite para poder pillarse la oferta de 10€?
Mullenkamp5919Hace 2 años99
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Sony haciendo lo mismo que Nintendo. Sacar juegos viejos como novedad con pocos cambios. Les viene bien a los que no lo han jugado, ya que no es que sea rejugable.
"Les viene bien a los que no lo han jugado" Totalmente, para mí esa es la idea de estos ports. Mucha gente sale con que te lo venden otra vez y tal... macho, te lo venden otra vez si haces el canelo y compras un juego que ya tienes. No lo hagas y listo. Estos ports están bien para los que no lo hayan jugado y ahora puedan en su consola actual y con una versión mejor. Muchas veces se nos olvida que siempre hay gente que tiene una consola por primera vez (nadie nace con 20 años) o que no todo el mundo compra todos los juegos en su día.
Para eso te pillas los juegos de ps4, que si buscas bien ambos te salen a menos de 20€.
Me refiero a los ports en general. Y como ya he dicho: no lo compres y listo.
Raigatuxd6323Hace 2 años100
Podría haber sido un update gratuito pero bueno, para quien quiera jugarlo en alto rendimiento pues bienvenido sea.

A ver si la espera con la versión de PC sea para meter texturas de mayor resolución y mejoras técnicas (DLSS, FSR, etc), ya que God of War dejo la vara muy alta y se espera que Uncharted cuente con un port de similar calidad.
Carlosramongim767Hace 2 años101
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Y digo yo,no alcanza la ps5 para ejecutar este remaster a 4k y 60 fps??? Apaga y vámonos!!! Si que nos han vendido la moto bien,estos de Sony.
Por más que tu comentario es de hater, tenes razón igualmente.
Hater lo serás tu campeón. He dicho una verdad como una casa,pero lo de Hater te sobra,aplicatelo a ti mismo.
EDITADO EL 27-01-2022 / 13:14 (EDITADO 1 VEZ)
Darkfish16317Hace 2 años102
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Y digo yo,no alcanza la ps5 para ejecutar este remaster a 4k y 60 fps??? Apaga y vámonos!!! Si que nos han vendido la moto bien,estos de Sony.
Por más que tu comentario es de hater, tenes razón igualmente.
Hater lo serás tu campeón. He dicho una verdad como una casa,pero lo de Hater te sobra,aplicatelo a ti mismo.
Como está lleno de haters en este foro con ese tipo de comentarios, que no sabes cuándo no lo son.
Peasant7215Hace 2 años103
La generación más prescindible de la historia.

Va siendo hora de hablar claro.
Denoloco10856Hace 2 años104
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Bueno, me comentaste que te citase y así será. @Denoloco. Saludos.
Pasa por Digital Foundry y no te fíes de lo técnico con 3Djocs, luego cita. Saludos
Gerwalker146Hace 2 años105
Bueno calma siempre hay gente como yo que no los ha jugado y no se cuando pero lo haré en mi ps5 y si aún me hago con el con algo de descuento me parecerán brutales.
Outofthebox360Hace 2 años106
Mmm cómo hay gente que defiende a sony después de estas cosas? Mi mente no logra entenderlo por más que quiera. Lo voy a repetir mil veces que se dijo y parece que nadie se acuerda: share boost lapidado y ya convertido en cenizas por políticas basura de sony. Cuánto nos han mentido...
RayLaCroix494Hace 2 años107
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La generación más prescindible de la historia. Va siendo hora de hablar claro.
Respetable opinión, pero quiero recordar q lo mismo se dijo al principio de ps4one, (incluso con duras criticas a su hardware por “obsoleto”) y mira la de juegazos q han llegado a ps4one. Pero señores juegazos, una generación redonda a la q aún van a seguir llegando juegos. Veremos cuando arranquen las nuevas máquinas con exclusivos.. bua
Peasant7215Hace 2 años108
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La generación más prescindible de la historia. Va siendo hora de hablar claro.
Respetable opinión, pero quiero recordar q lo mismo se dijo al principio de ps4one, (incluso con duras criticas a su hardware por “obsoleto”) y mira la de juegazos q han llegado a ps4one. Pero señores juegazos, una generación redonda a la q aún van a seguir llegando juegos. Veremos cuando arranquen las nuevas máquinas con exclusivos.. bua
Si, juegazos van a salir, pero hasta dentro de un tiempo, van a funcionar en PS4, el nuevo God of War, va en PS4, me referia a que alargaban esta generación unos cuantos años y no se en qué se quejarian. Los juegos se van a ver un poco mejor y dales gracias. Yo lo tenia claro que iba a ser así, no es una queja, es una opinión como bien has dicho.
Thepipboy3296Hace 2 años109
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La generación más prescindible de la historia. Va siendo hora de hablar claro.
Si claro. Por 10 títulos que pudo tener ps4/xbone deslumbrando toda la potencia, no recuerdas los 4000 títulos restantes?. Te los cito: Uncharted/TLOU, Gears Of War, Halo, Forza Horizon, God Of War y Horizon Zero Dawn. El resto: 720~900 A 30 fps, la mayoría. El que llegaba a 1080p era a coste de sacrificio total de sombras, dibujado, texturas y caída de frames. Contra 4k a 60fps promedio de XSX o PS5. Hay juegos que andan a 4k 120fps. Juegos que cargan en 15 segundos. Para mi XSX y PS5 es una compra obligada para enterrar el engendro de la generación pasada, que fue más por un cambio de paradigma de arquitectura de ambas para unificar con el PC, que realmente un cambio generacional.
Peasant7215Hace 2 años110
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La generación más prescindible de la historia. Va siendo hora de hablar claro.
Si claro. Por 10 títulos que pudo tener ps4/xbone deslumbrando toda la potencia, no recuerdas los 4000 títulos restantes?. Te los cito: Uncharted/TLOU, Gears Of War, Halo, Forza Horizon, God Of War y Horizon Zero Dawn. El resto: 720~900 A 30 fps, la mayoría. El que llegaba a 1080p era a coste de sacrificio total de sombras, dibujado, texturas y caída de frames. Contra 4k a 60fps promedio de XSX o PS5. Hay juegos que andan a 4k 120fps. Juegos que cargan en 15 segundos. Para mi XSX y PS5 es una compra obligada para enterrar el engendro de la generación pasada, que fue más por un cambio de paradigma de arquitectura de ambas para unificar con el PC, que realmente un cambio generacional.
PS4 Pro Enhanced games A A Plague Tale: Innocence - 4K resolution, high-quality textures. Abzu - 2400x1350 resolution, 45-60fps, more rendered fish. Anthem - Higher frame rate. Arizona Sunshine (VR) - 1920x1080 resolution, MSAA anti-aliasing, better rendering, increased LOD and draw distance. ARK: Survival Evolved - High detail or high frame rate options. Assassin's Creed 3 Remastered - 4K and HDR. Assassin's Creed Odyssey - 4K and HDR. Assassin's Creed Origins - up to 4K resolution using dynamic resolution scaling. Assassin's Creed Rogue Remastered - 4K, high-quality textures. Assassin's Creed Syndicate - 2880x1620 resolution. Assassin's Creed: The Ezio Collection - 4K resolution, 30fps, high-quality textures. A Way Out - improved frame rate. The Assembly - Higher resolution VR support. The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit - PS4 Pro Enhanced. B Batman Arkham VR Batman: Return to Arkham - 1920x1080 resolution, higher poly count and texture resolution textures, 30fps frame rate with increased stability. Battleborn - 4K/30fps, 1080p/60, 1080p/30 resolution options and 'enhanced visuals." Battlefield 1 - 2880x1620 resolution, 60fps via dynamic resolution scaling, higher resolution textures, better draw distance. Battlefield 5 - 4K resolution. Battlezone (VR) 3360x1890 resolution (downscaled to 1080p for VR at 120hz), Dynamic cockpit lighting, increased resolution of screen-space reflections. Batman: Arkham VR - minor graphical improvements. Borderlands 3 - resolution or framerates modes, respectively 60fps at 1080p, or higher resolution capped at 30fps. Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition - Dynamic 1440p to 1800p resolution, 60fps. Bound - Geometry edges rendered in 4K native, inner parts of polygons rendered with multisampling antialiasing and upscaled from 1080P, improved PSVR resolution The Brookhaven Experiment Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition - "up to" 4K resolution support, running at a smoother frame rate. C Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 - 4K checkerboard resolution, HDR lighting, and HD textures. Call of Duty Black Ops 4 - 4K output, 1920x2160 max resolution (dynamic), 60 fps, HDR Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - up to 4K/3840x2160 checkerboard resolution with dynamic resolution scaling. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered - "Richer textures and dynamic 4K" Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) - 4K resolution and HDR support Call of Duty: WW2 - Increased resolution to 1620p. Cities: Skylines Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy - 2560×1440 resolution, "enhanced the graphics and upped resolution." Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled - 1440p resolution. The Crew 2 - 4K support and enhanced graphics Concrete Genie - 4K resolution, HDR to be added in post release patch D Darksiders: Warmastered Edition - 4K support, doubled texture resolutions Rendering improvements , 60fps "in moment to moment gameplay." Darksiders 3 - "Enhanced" Dark Souls 3 - 1920x1080 resolution, “increased frame rate for gameplay on PlayStation 4 Pro,” up to 60fps. Days Gone - 4K/30fps DayZ - 4K or 1080p/60fps Mode. Death Stranding - 4K resolution. Detroit: Become Human - 2160p checkerboard rendering at 30 FPS, improved volumetric lighting, HDR. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - 4K resolution (checkerboard), graphic improvements, HDR support. Destiny 2 - "Adaptive 4K resolution", HDR support (both available December 5) Devil May Cry 5 - 4K, 60FPS Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition - up to 4K resolution with dynamic rendering, ambient occlusion, light bloom. Dirt 4 - Increased MSAA rendering, increased shadow map resolution, increased Image Based Lighting reflection resolution and accuracy. Dirt Rally - "graphical improvements" in VR. Dishonored 2 - 2560x1440 resolution. Dishonored: Death of the Outsider - 1440p at 30fps. The Division - 4K resolution, improved temporal anti aliasing supersampling. DOOM - 2560x1440 max resolution with dynamic resolution scaling, 60 FPS. DOOM Eternal - 4K/60fps Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen- 1440p resolution. Dragon Quest 11 - 2160p checkerboard resolution The Dwarves - improved frame rate. Driveclub VR - graphical enhancements. E Eagle Flight - Improved draw distance and enhanced level of detail. The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition - 4K resolution. The Elder Scrolls Online - 4K resolution, HDR support. EVE Valkyrie - improved resolutions, particle effects and load times, new dynamic shadows. The Evil Within 2 - 1260p resolution or improved frame rate options. F F1 2017 - 4K resolution, HDR support, improved environment reflections, enhanced shadow precision. F1 2018 - 4K, 60fps Fallout 4 - 1440p resolution, enhanced draw distances, frame rates and godray effects. Fallout 76 - 2560×1440p resolution, HDR Far Cry 5 - Higher Resolution or Better Graphics options Farming Simulator 17 - 4K resolution, 1440p at 60fps, 1080p at 60fps with improved draw distance. Other additions include higher quality shadows and increased draw distance. Farpoint - Increased resolution, details and textures. Fe - 1260p resolution. FIFA 17 - 4K resolution, up to 60fps. FIFA 18 - 4K resolution, HDR support. FIFA 19 - 4K resolution (upscaled from 2160p), HDR Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age - 1440p Final Fantasy 14 - Improved frame rate or performance modes. Final Fantasy 15 - 3200x1800 resolution (checkerboarding) with improved texture filtering and shadows, 1080p locked at 30fps, HDR support. Firewatch - 2560x1440 resolution, “advanced level of detail”. For Honor - 2560x1400 resolution, 30fps locked, improved detail, shading, physics, shadows and lighting, 1080p supersampling. Fortnite - increased resolution, 60fps. Full Throttle Remastered - 4K resolution. G Ghost Recon: Wildlands - 2560x1440 resolution, improved temporal anti aliasing, lighting, shadows, HDR support. Gran Turismo Sport - 4K resolution, HDR support, 60 fps at 1080p. Gravity Rush 2 - 3840x2160 resolution. God of War - Dynamic 4K resolution via 2160p checkerboard rendering. 1080p output uses supersampling. HDR lighting and wide color gamut. H Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - 60 fps, increased resolution options. Helldivers - 4K checkerboard resolution, 60fps, HDR. Here They Lie - 4K resolution, higher quality rendering for PSVR, better shadows, post-processing effects, dynamic flashlight shadows, ambient occlusion, HDR support. Hitman - 4K output, 1440p resolution, 60fps, improved textures, shadows, reflective surfaces, post-processing effects, dynamic flashlight shadows, ambient occlusion, HDR. Hitman 2 - 4K output,1440p resolution Homefront: The Revolution - 4K (2560x1440 resolution upscaled), improved fps, effects, HDR. Horizon: Zero Dawn - 4K resolution (3840x2160 checkerboard), improved effects, HDR support. Hustle Kings - 4K, 60fps, HDR support Best PS4 external hard drive PS4 accessories PS4 VR bundle I Infamous: First Light - 3200x1800 resolution (checkerboard), improved frame rate or resolution options, HDR support. Infamous: Second Son - 3200x1800 resolution (checkerboard), improved frame rate or resolution options, HDR support. Injustice 2 - 2560x1440 resolution, 60fps, improved textures, lighting better lighting, motion blur and shadowsHDR support. J Jurassic World Evolution - HDR K Killing Floor 2 - 4K (2560x1440p resolution), increased overall environment, weapon, and character detail, ultra textures, increase dynamic shadow resolution. Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX - 4K, 60fps. Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue - up to 4K depending on title. King of Fighters 14 - 4K resolution, improved models and textures. Knack - 3072x1728 resolution, improved frame rate or resolution option Knack 2 - 1800p resolution, or 1080p in high frame-rate mode (near locked 60 fps). Kona - "higher resolution and better frame rate." L LA Noire - 4K resolution. The Last of Us Remastered - 2560×1440 resolution max, choice between 60fps at 1800p resolution or 30fps at 2160p, HDR support. The Last Guardian - 3840x2160 resolution w/variable fps, 3360x1890 at steady but more variable frame rate, 1080p locked at 30fps, HDR support. Lego Harry Potter Collection - 2560×1440 resolution, 60fps. Let It Die - 2560×1440 resolution. Life is Strange: Before the Storm - 4K resolution. Little Nightmares - 2880x1620 resolution, 60fps. M Madden NFL 18 - 4K resolution, HDR support, higher frame-rate (60fps+) in 1080p. Madden NFL 19 - 4K resolution, HDR support, higher frame-rate (60fps+) in 1080p. Mafia 3 - 2560×1440 resolution, enhanced shadows and frame rate. Man of Medan - 1440p on PS4 Pro with HDR support. Mantis Burn Racing - 4K resolution, 60fps, HDR support Mass Effect: Andromeda - 3200x1800 resolution (checkerboard), HDR. Metal Gear Survive - Resolution (1440p) and frame rate (1080p) options. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain - Up to 2560x1440 on 4K screens, more stable frame rate. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - 4K with dynamic scaling, or 1080p with enhanced graphical quality including 30fps and longer draw distances. Middle-earth: Shadow of War - 4K cinematics (via downloadable add-on), optional resolution boost mode (dynamic resolution) or quality mode (dynamic resolution, increased draw distances), super-sampling in 1080p. MLB The Show 17 - 4K resolution, or 2560×1440 resolution with enhanced graphics, or 1080p with enhanced frame rate, HDR. Monster Hunter World - 1800p, graphics or frame rate options (both 1080p), HDR Mother Russia Bleeds - 3840x2160 resolution, improved effects. MotoGP 17 - 2560 X 1440 resolution, 60fps, HDR support. MotoGP 18 N NBA 2K17 - 4K resolution, 60fps, HDR support. NBA 2K18 - 4K resolution, 60 fps, HDR support. Neon Chrome - 4K resolution. Nex Machina - 3360x1890 with 60fps (variable), 1080 with 60fps locked, HDR support Nier: Automata - 1080p, 60fps, improved lighting, shadows, anti aliasing, texture filtering and motion blur. Nioh - 1080p display: Movie Mode 1920×1080 resolution, high quality anti-aliasing. 30fps. Action Mode 1920x1080 resolution, 60fps. 4K display: Movie Mode 3840x2160, 30fps. Action Mode 1920x1080 resolution at 60fps. No Man's Sky - 3200x1800 with variable frame rate, improved temporal anti-aliasing, or 1080p with stable 60fps. Better textures and lighting. O Outlast 2 - 2560x1440 resolution, improved shadows, detail and textures. 60fps Overwatch - 60fps, 4K UI, improved texture filtering and depth of field. Oxenfree - 60fps. P Paladins - 4K resolution with dynamic texture scaling. Paragon - 1080p, 60fps. PaRappa the Rapper Remastered - "dynamic' 4K support. PES 2017 - 4K, 60fps. PES 2018 - 4K, HDR PES 2019 - 4K and HDR support, upgraded lighting and shadows. A Plague Tale: Innocence - "PS4 Pro Enhanced" Planetside 2 - Improved frame rate. The Playroom VR - increased rendering resolution. Prey - Enable screen-space reflections, higher quality shadows, improved textures and texture memory, anisotropic filter raised from 4X to 16x, improved particle effects. Pyre - 4K resolution, 60 fps. R Red Dead Redemption 2 - "Enhanced graphics and optimized performance", HDR Ratchet & Clank - 3200x1800 resolution, HDR support. Resident Evil 7 Biohazard - 3840x2160p (upscaled from 1656p), supersampling anti aliasing, HDR support. Resogun - 4K, super sampling anti aliasing, HDR support Rez Infinite - 3840 x 2160 resolution, 60fps, 1920 x 1080 resolution in VR. Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration - 4K at 30fps, 1080p at 60fps, or 1080p at 30fps with 'enriched visuals' (improved foliage, hair, shadows, lighting etc). RIGS Mechanical Combat League - graphical enhancements. Rime - improvements to shadows, temporal, level of distance, texture filter, VFX, shaders, materials, reflections. Robinson: The Journey - Improved resolution, enhanced lighting effects, longer view distances, higher quality texture filtering. Rocket League - 4K resolution, improved visual quality, and frame rates. S Shadow of the Colossus - Cinematic mode (4K image targeting 30 fps), or Performance (1080p at 60 FPS), HDR Shadow of the Tomb Raider - 4K Resolution mode, 4K at 30 FPS, and High Resolution, 1080p at 60 FPS. HDR, improved physically-based rendering, hardware tessellation, anisotropic filtering, additional dynamic foliage, and more. Smite - 4K with dynamic resolution, 60fps, improved textures. Snake Pass - 2688x1512 at 30fps or 1080p at 60fps, HDR Sniper Elite 4 - 1920x1080 resolution, 60fps, improved draw distances, lighting and shadows, high resolution textures. Spider-Man - 4K upscaled resolution (scaling between 1944p to 1368p), 30fps Spyro Reignited - 1440p resolution Starblood Arena - graphical enhancements. Starlink: Battle for Atlas - "Enhanced" Statik Steep - unlocked frame rate up to 60fps. Strange Brigade - 1440p rendering, larger draw distances, improved screen space reflections. 30FPS. Subnautica - 2560×1440 resolution Super Stardust Ultra - 4k, 60fps, improved VR resolution. The Surge - 4K resolution at 30fps or 1080p at 60fps mode, HDR. Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization - 60fps. T Tethered - 4K, 60fps, improved anti aliasing and lighting. Thumper - 4K, 60fps, improved supersampling and anti-aliasing in VR. Titanfall 2 - 2560×1440 resolution with dynamic resolution scaling. Trackmania Turbo - 2880x1620 resolution, 60fps, enhanced graphics, 120fps in VR. Trove - 60fps. U UFC 3 - Resolution or frame rate options. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - 2560×1440 resolution and 30fps in single player, 1080p resolution and 60fps in multiplayer, HDR support. Uncharted 4: Lost Legacy - 4K resolution, HDR support, 60fps. Until Dawn: Rush of Blood - improved rendering. V Verdun - 3200x1800 resolution, 60fps. Victor Vran: Overkill Edition - 2880x1620 resolution, 60fps, improved anti aliasing. Viking Squad - 3840x2160 resolution, 60fps, improved multisample anti-aliasing. W Warframe - Frame rate and performance improvements. Watch Dogs 2 - 3200x1800 resolution (checkerboard), improved draw distances, improved super sampled anti aliasing, improved occlusion and shadows. We Happy Few - 4K resolution and HDR support. What Remains of Edith Finch - Frame rate improvements. Wheels of Aurelia - 3840x2160 resolution, 60fps. Wipeout Omega Collection - 4K, resolution dependent on motion blur. Motion blur disabled: 4K resolution with 4x8 Enhanced Quality Anti-Aliasing. Motion blur enabled: 3840x2160 resolution (checkerboarding). 60fps, high resolution textures, improved illumination, reflections, shadows and other graphical effects. HDR.[url][/url] The Witcher 3 - 4K resolution. The Witness - 4K at 60fps, or 2560×1440 resolution at 60 FPS, HDR. World of Tanks - 3200 x 1800 resolution, HDR. X XCOM 2 - Improved anti-aliasing and visual FX. [url][/url]
Peasant7215Hace 2 años111
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La generación más prescindible de la historia. Va siendo hora de hablar claro.
Si claro. Por 10 títulos que pudo tener ps4/xbone deslumbrando toda la potencia, no recuerdas los 4000 títulos restantes?. Te los cito: Uncharted/TLOU, Gears Of War, Halo, Forza Horizon, God Of War y Horizon Zero Dawn. El resto: 720~900 A 30 fps, la mayoría. El que llegaba a 1080p era a coste de sacrificio total de sombras, dibujado, texturas y caída de frames. Contra 4k a 60fps promedio de XSX o PS5. Hay juegos que andan a 4k 120fps. Juegos que cargan en 15 segundos. Para mi XSX y PS5 es una compra obligada para enterrar el engendro de la generación pasada, que fue más por un cambio de paradigma de arquitectura de ambas para unificar con el PC, que realmente un cambio generacional.
Xbox X Series All Xbox One X Enhanced games # 8 To Glory: The Official Game of the PBR - 4K, HDR 11-11 Memories Retold A A Plague Tail: Innocence - 4K, 30fps A Way Out Aaero - 4K Absolver - 4K Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown - 4K, HDR Adios Amigos - 4K Agents of Mayhem - improved resolution, traffic, and pedestrians Airheart - Tales of Broken Wings - 4K, HDR AlienCruise Alteric - 4K Ancestors Legacy - 4K American Fugitive - 4K Anthem - 4K AO Tennis - 4K, HDR A Plague Tale: Innocence - HDR The Artful Escape ARK: Survival Evolved - Detail graphics option renders 1440p and "the highest-end graphics effects we’ve got". Includes long-distance shadows, high-rez textures, volumetric clouds, and dynamic weather systems & atmospheric effects. HDR. Xbox One X-hosted servers support 70 players, up from 50. Armed and Dangerous Ashen - 4K Ashes Cricket - 4K, HDR Assassin's Creed (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) - 4K Assassin's Creed 3 Remastered - 4K, HDR Assassin's Creed Odyssey - 4K, HDR Assassin's Creed Origins - 4K checkerboard, 30fps, HDR, improved draw distances (up to double compared to Xbox One S), improved geometry, faster loading and transitions. Assassin's Creed Rogue Remastered - 4K Assault Android Cactus - 4K Astroneer - 4K Attack on Titan 2 Away: Journey to the Unexpected B Bad North - 4K Banjo-Kazooie - 4K Banjo-Tooie - 4K Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts - 4K Batman: Arkham Asylum Batman: Arkham City Battle Chasers: Nightwar - 4K Battlefield 5 - 4K, HDR Battlefield 1 - 4K, HDR Battlerite Battlezone Gold Edition - 4K, HDR Below - 4K Biomutant - 4K Black (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Black Desert Online - 4K, HDR Bless Unleashed - 4K, HDR Blinx: The Time Sweeper (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) BloodRayne 2 (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Brawlout Breakdown (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition - 4K Burnout Paradise Remastered (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) - 4K C Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - 4K Call of Duty: WW2 - 4K, HDR Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - 4K, HDR Casey Powell Lacrosse 18 - 4K, HDR Candleman - 4K Chess Ultra - 4K, HDR Cities: Skylines - 4K City of Brass - 4K, HDR Claws of Furry - 4K, HDR Claybook - 4K Code Vein Conan Exiles Conker: Live & Reloaded (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Construction Simulator 2 Crackdown (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) - 4K Crackdown 3 - 4K, HDR Crayola Scoot - 4K The Crew 2 Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy - 4K, HDR Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled - 4K, HDR Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Crossout Cyberpunk 2077 D Danger Zone - 4K Danger Zone 2 - 4K Dark and Light - 4K Dark Souls: Remastered Darksiders (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) Darksiders Warmastered Edition - 4K Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition - 4K Darksiders 3 The Darwin Project - 4K, HDR Day Z - 4K Dead or Alive 6 - 4K, HDR Dead Rising 4 - 4K Dead to Rights (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Deep Ones - 4K Deep Rock Galactic - HDR Descenders - HDR Destiny 2 - 4K, HDR Destroy All Humans! (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - HDR Devil May Cry 5 - 4K, HDR Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls - Ultimate Evil Edition - 4K Dirt Rally 2.0 - 4K, HDR Dishonored 2 - Up to 4K with dynamic resolution, 30fps, improved framerate stability, 4K textures, improved geometry, improved draw distances, improved anti-aliasing, improved shadow quality. Dishonored: Death of the Outsider - Up to 4K with dynamic resolution, 30fps, improved framerate stability, 4K textures, improved geometry, improved draw distances, improved anti-aliasing, improved shadow quality. Disneyland Adventures - 4K, HDR Divinity: Original Sin 2 The Division - 4K The Division 2 - 4K, HDR Doom - 4K, 60fps Dovetail Games Euro Fishing - 4K Dragonball FighterZ Dying Light 2 Dynasty Warriors 9 E Earthfall - 4K, HDR The Elder Scrolls Online - support for native 4K rendering, enhanced bit-depth throughout our entire rendering pipeline for true HDR, SSAO shadow enhancements, real-time water reflections, and increased view distance. Elea Elex Elite Dangerous - 4K Energy Cycle Edge - 4K Enigmatis 3: The Shadow of Karkhala - 4K Everspace - 4K The Evil Within 2 - 4K, HDR F F1 2017 - 4K, HDR F1 2018 - 4K, HDR Fable Anniversary (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) - 4K Fable 2 (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) - 4K Fable 3 (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) Fable Fortune - 4K The Fall Part 2: Unbound - 4K Fallout 3 (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) Fallout 4 - 4K, 30fps Fallout 76 - 4K, HDR Far Cry 5 - 4K, HDR Far Cry New Dawn - 4K, HDR Farming Simulator 17 - 4K Fe - 4K FIFA 18 - 4K, 60fps Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age Final Fantasy 15 - 4K, HDR, 30fps Firewatch For Honor - 4K, 30fps, improved water reflections, LOD, shadow resolution, and improved texture filtering. Forsaken Remastered - 4K For the King - 4K Fortnite - 4K Forza Horizon (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) - 4K Forza Horizon 3 - native 4K (3840 x 2160) improved car reflections and shadow resolutions, improved texture detail for road and terrain surfaces. improved visual effects and increased LOD and draw distances. Forza Horizon 4 - 4K, HDR Forza Motorsport 7 - 4K, 60fps, HDR, high-resolution assets, improved lighting and shadows resolution Fuzion Frenzy (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) G Gears of War 2 (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) - 4K Gears of War 3 (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) - 4K Gears of War 4 - Up to 4K with adaptive resolution scaling, 30fps for Campaign/Horde modes, and 60fps for Versus, HDR, ultra quality textures, enhanced character textures, enhanced lighting and reflections, dynamic shadows, increased draw distances Gears 5 - 4K, HDR Generation Zero Ghost Recon: Wildlands - 4K, HDR, improved view distances, and "stronger terrain representation." The Golf Club 2019 - 4K Gorogoa - 4K Grabbed by the Ghoulies (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Grab the Bottle - 4K Gravel - HDR Greedfall Grip Gridd: Retroenhanced - 4K, HDR Grim Legends 4: The Dark City - 4K Guacamelee 2 Guilt Battle Arena H Halo 3 (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) Halo 5: Guardians - 4K, HDR, 60fps, better rendering detail at distance, faster loading times. Halo Infinite - 4K Halo: The Master Chief Collection - HDR Halo Wars 2 - 4K, increased visual fidelity, increased loading speeds. Hand of Fate 2 - 4K Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - 4K, HDR Hello Neighbor - 4K Hitman - 'High Quality' renders 4K resolution at 30fps (targeted) with higher quality shadows. High Framerate targets 60fps, at a lower resolution upscaled to 4K image. HDR. Hitman 2 - 4K, HDR Hitman HD Enhanced Collection - 4K Hive Jump - 4K Homefront: The Revolution - 4K Hover - 4K, HDR Human Fall Flat - 4K The Hunter: Call of the Wild Hunter: The Reckoning (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Hyper Sentinel - 4K Hyper Universe - 4K, HDR I Immortal Redneck - 4K Immortal: Unchained - 4K The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III - 4K Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb Injustice 2 - HDR Insane Robots The Invisible Hours J Jade Empire (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Jagged Alliance: Rage - 4K Jettomero: Hero of the Universe - 4K Jump Force Jurassic World Evolution - 4K, HDR Just Cause 4 - HDR K Kameo: Elements of Power - 4K Killer Instinct - 4K Killing Floor 2 - 1080p The King of Fighters Neowave Kingdom Come: Deliverance - 1440p resolution, improved global illumination, better shadows, better lighting, and better LOD distances. Kingdom Hearts 3 - 4K, HDR L LA Noire - 4K, HDR The Last Night - 4K, HDR Lego Harry Potter Collection - 4K Life is Strange: Before the Storm - 4K Life is Strange 2 The Long Dark Lumines Remastered - 4K M Madden NFL 18 - 4K, HDR, 60fps Madden NFL 19 - 4K, HDR Mafia 3 - 4K, HDR, improved performance for depth of field, ambient occlusion, shadows, volumetric effects, motion blur and increased geometry detail. Mantis Burn Racing - 4K, 60fps Marble Void - 4K Mark of the Ninja Remastered - 4K Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite Masters of Anima Mega Man 11 - 4K Megaton Rainfall - 4K Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Metal Gear Survive - HDR Metro Exodus - 4K, HDR Metropolis: Lux Obscura - 4K Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Targets 4K with dynamic resolution scaling, HDR, increased texture detail, increased draw distances, improved shadow and lighting detail, increased vegetation, improved ambient occlusion, higher polygon counts and level of detail, texture filtering improvements Minecraft - 4K, HDR, 60fps Mining Rail Minion Masters - 4K Mirror's Edge (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) - 4K Monster Energy Supercross Monster Hunter: World - HDR Morphite - 4K MotoGP 18 - HDR MotoGP 19 - HDR Mutant Football League Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) MX Unleashed - 4K MX vs ATV All Out - 4K My Brother Rabbit - 4K N NBA 2K18 - 4K, HDR NBA Live 18 - 4K NBA Live 19 - 4K Need for Speed Payback Neon Chrome - 4K Neonwall - 4K NHL 18 - 4K NHL 19 - 4K Nier: Automata Become As Gods Edition - 4K, HDR Nightmares from the Deep 3: Davy Jones - 4K Nine Parchments Ninja Gaiden Black (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Ninja Gaiden 2 (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) No Man's Sky - 4K, HDR North O The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) Observer Okami HD - 4K Omensight - 4K On A Roll 3D - 4K One Eyed Kutkh - 4K Onrush - 4K, HDR Ooblets Operencia: The Stolen Sun Ori and the Will of the Wisps - 4K, HDR Outbreak The Nightmare Chronicles - 4K Outlast 2 - 4K Override: Mech City Brawl Overkill's The Walking Dead - 4K Overwatch - 4K P Paladins - 4K Panzer Dragoon Orta (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) - 4K Panzer Elite Action: Fields of Glory (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Party Arcade - 4K Party Golf - 4K Party Jousting - 4K Path of Exile - 4K, 60fps Perfect Dark - 4K Perfect Dark Zero PixARK Planet Alpha - 4K Planet Rix-13 - 4K PlayerUunknown's Battlegrounds - 4K, HDR, 30fps Portal 2 (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) - 4K Portal Knights - 4K Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Pure Chess Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 - 4K, HDR Project Cars 2 - HDR Psychonauts (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Q Q.U.B.E. 2 - 4K Quantum Break R Raiders of the Broken Planet - 4K, HDR, improved visuals Railway Empire - 4K, HDR Rainbox Six Siege Rage 2 Rare Replay - 4K Real Farm ReCore: Definitive Edition - HDR Red Dead Redemption (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) - 4K Red Faction 2 (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Red Faction Guerilla Re-Mars-terd Redout: Lightspeed Edition - 4K Refunct - 4K Remothered: Tormented Fathers - 4K, HDR Resident Evil 2 - 4K, HDR Resident Evil 7: Biohazard - 4K, HDR Ride 3 - HDR Rime - 4K, HDR Rise of the Tomb Raider - 4K, HDR, improved anti-aliasing, higher frame rates, enhanced geometry, improved reflection, foliage and shadows, New volumetric lighting and higher texture filtering Riverbond Robocraft Infinity - 4K Roblox Rocket League - 4K, HDR Rugby 18 Rush: A Disney Pixar Adventure - 4K, HDR S Sea of Thieves - 4K, HDR Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - HDR Session Shadow of the Tomb Raider - 4K, HDR Sid Meier's Pirates! (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) Sigi - A Fart for Melusina - 4K The Sims 4 Sinner: Sacrifice for Redemption Skate 3 (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) Skyrim: Special Edition - 4K, HDR Slime Rancher - 4K Smite Snake Pass - 4K, HDR Sniper Elite V2 Remastered - 4K, HDR SNK 40th Anniversary Collection - 4K Sonic Forces - 4K Sonic Generations (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) Sonic Mania - 4K Space Hulk: Tactics The Spectrum Retreat Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Spike Volleyball - 4K Spintires: MudRunner - 4K Spiral Splatter - 4K Splinter Cell Double Agent (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) - 4K Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Splinter Cell Conviction (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) Splinter Cell Blacklist (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) - 4K Spyro Reignited Trilogy SSX 3 (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) Starpoint Gemini Warlords - 4K Star Wars Battlefront 2 - HDR Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Star Wars Jedi Starfighter (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Star Wars Republic Commando (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) Star Wars The Force Unleashed (Xbox Backwards Compatibility title) State of Decay 2 - 4K, HDR Steep - HDR Strange Brigade - 4K, HDR Sudden Strike 4 - 4K Super Lucky's Tale - 4K, 60fps Supermarket Shriek - 4K Super Mega Baseball 2 Super Night Riders - 4K Superhot - 4K Super Street: The Game - 4K The Surge - 4K, HDR Surviving Mars - 4K Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet T Tacoma - 4K Tales of Vesperia - Definitive Edition The Talos Principle - 4K Tempest 4000 - 4K Tennis World Tour - 4K Tesla vs Lovecraft - 4K This is the Police 2 - 4K Thumper - 4K Titan Quest - 4K Titanfall 2 - 4K output, 60fps with dynamic super scaling, increased rendering details and dynamic resolution cap. Train Sim World Transcripted - 4K Tropico 6 - 4K, HDR TT Isle of Man: Ride on the Edge U UFC 3 Undead Horde - 4K Unreal Champions 2: The Liandri Conflict Unruly Heroes - 4K, HDR V Valkyria Chronicles 4 Vampyr The Vanishing of Ethan Carter - 4K Velocity G - 4K Vicious Attack Llama Apocalypse - 4K Vigor - 4K Viva Pinata - 4K Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise - 4K W The Walking Dead: The Final Season - 4K, HDR Warface Warframe Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide - 4K Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide 2 - 4K Warriors Orochi 4 - 4K War Thunder - 4K We Happy Few - 4K Where Are My Friends? - 4K The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility title) The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - 2 new graphic modes: 4K Mode and Performance Mode, support for 4K resolution, HDR support, enhanced shadows, ambient occlusion and texture filtering, higher resolutions textures, dynamic resolution scaling (from 1080p to 4K). Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus - 4K World of Tanks - 4K, HDR, 30fps, improved, improved ambient inclusion and shadow resolutions, higher poly models and higher resolution textures at all distances. World of Warships: Legends - HDR World War Z - 4L WRC 7 FIA World Rally Champion - 4K WWE 2K18 WWE 2K19 X XCOM 2 X-Morph: Defense - 4K Z Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection - 4K, HDR [url][/url]
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