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Foro Grand Theft Auto V

Misterio de Mount Chiliad

HgugykkyuYerckoo31Hace 10 años640
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Estoy desde el movil, alguien seria tan amable de poner el video bien. Gracias si alguien lo pone xd
Es el que lo encuentra en un arbusto y le sale "Jetpack Collected" no se si lo has visto, no puedo poner el video porque estoy en el ipad.
MrNice100418Hace 10 años641
Por favor los que tenga 100% que lo comprueben y lo confirmen. Yo estoy haciendo el modo historia por segunda vez habiéndome quedado en el 99% la primera, tengo problemillas con un bug que todavía no ha solucionado R* y por eso no puedo hacerlo yo mismo, pero bueno eso es otra historia....
Joseph272822Hace 10 años642
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Estoy desde el movil, alguien seria tan amable de poner el video bien. Gracias si alguien lo pone xd
[spoiler][url][/url][/spoiler] [spoiler]
[/spoiler] Igual es fake
Serji2313Hace 10 años643
Ese vídeo es falso, ya lo probé la primera vez que salio. Si alguien lo consigue de verdad, pondrá un vídeo largo en el que se vea como lo usa, no como simplemente sale un mensaje en pantalla. Y lo del árbol dorado... no es mas que un árbol que al llegar la noche sigue con los colores diurnos, y con el contraste oscuro de los demás, parece brillar. Tengo el 100% del juego y voy investigando por mi cuanta, ademas de lo que mencionan por aquí.
Guillermoto925Hace 10 años644
Comentario de un usuario en el vídeo del "Jetpack Collected":

GAMERCREED brickjet Hace 2 días
u guys dont understand. u need to be franklin to do this. when you get the jetpack you have to take a selfie with it equipped. after a while, some random guy will send you a call using some crazy alien language. if u killed trevor in the storyline, you go to his house and the Lost would be ransacking it. kill them all and you'll pickup a decrypter. go to omega if you have done his mission and then he'll decrypt the call. u then have to go to zancudo in a mask riding omega's alien car and holding decrypter. the military will let u into the secret lab where u will find alien tech. combine that with jetpack and then fly it to the zancudo ufo. u will destroy but then teleport to mt chiliad. wait for the chiliad ufo to come and then the mountain will open. go inside and fight all the aliens, then you will find alien feul tankers that u must not destroy. wait for military to come and they will thank u and let u use feul for the jetpack. after this you have to destroy all other ufos in the sky (there are three). the final one will have an egg. u then go back to mt chiliad and wait for a long time. then you will faint and then see a huge eye thanking u for stopping invasion. he will then give away secrets including details about leonora johnson(who killed her,how she died,etc). you will then die and now play as michael. repeat the process and then you will restart the game with the jetpack in your inventory instead of a parachute. in the prologue, you will notice that the alien frozen in the lake will be gone and there will be a letter saying thank you and some alien language that is decryptable. hope this helps this is all ive got so far.
HgugykkyuYerckoo31Hace 10 años645
De todos modos el jeroglífico no tiene que empezar desde arriba exactamente, quizás si empezamos haciendo lo que dice desde abajo algo pase al final y por eso sale ese ojo o sol en la punta del jeroglífico, ahora la cosa es que hay que hacer .
Johdag19Hace 10 años646
Sip, falso; también lo probé (por curiosidad mas que por credulidad) y nada, probado con los tres personajes por separado, juntos, y teniendo el 100%. Solo es alguien con una grave necesidad de atención el que subió el video.
TheDark-ness122Hace 10 años647
@Guillermoto   Lo veo muy falso

Alguien encontro el pino dorado en el offline?
Johdag19Hace 10 años648
Si, yo encontre el pino dorado. No se como subir imagenes pero en youtube hay videos con la ubicacion. No encontre nada especial x ahi, mas que una roca flotando en el aire pero es mas bien un glitch del juego.
Cabreao110Hace 10 años649
Yo ayer plante un pino dorado        

Lo siento... no e podio evitarlo.
Chisme109Hace 10 años650
Pino dorado, pero no se ve nada interesante por los alrededores de momento,
Hace 10 años651
1- El video es falso, solo busca visitias. Si fuera cierto saldria usando el jetpack

2- El pino "dorado" no es mas que un fallo de rockstar en las texturas, no tiene nada mas.
OnEDeMO1240Hace 10 años652
Yo estoy empezando a meterme a investigar este misterio, es más consegui ayer pasarme el juego al 100% y ver el ovni por primera vez en el Chilliad. 

¿Pero no han pensado que a lo mejor estos 3 objetos:

1- El OVNI 
2- EL HUEVO (o lo que sea, a lo mejor es un huevo extraterrestre) 

Estén justo debajo de cada uno de los 3 OVNIS que hay? 

El problema esta en saber averiguar como entrar a cada uno de esos sitios
228985Hace 10 años653
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Comentario de un usuario en el vídeo del "Jetpack Collected": GAMERCREED brickjet Hace 2 días u guys dont understand. u need to be franklin to do this. when you get the jetpack you have to take a selfie with it equipped. after a while, some random guy will send you a call using some crazy alien language. if u killed trevor in the storyline, you go to his house and the Lost would be ransacking it. kill them all and you'll pickup a decrypter. go to omega if you have done his mission and then he'll decrypt the call. u then have to go to zancudo in a mask riding omega's alien car and holding decrypter. the military will let u into the secret lab where u will find alien tech. combine that with jetpack and then fly it to the zancudo ufo. u will destroy but then teleport to mt chiliad. wait for the chiliad ufo to come and then the mountain will open. go inside and fight all the aliens, then you will find alien feul tankers that u must not destroy. wait for military to come and they will thank u and let u use feul for the jetpack. after this you have to destroy all other ufos in the sky (there are three). the final one will have an egg. u then go back to mt chiliad and wait for a long time. then you will faint and then see a huge eye thanking u for stopping invasion. he will then give away secrets including details about leonora johnson(who killed her,how she died,etc). you will then die and now play as michael. repeat the process and then you will restart the game with the jetpack in your inventory instead of a parachute. in the prologue, you will notice that the alien frozen in the lake will be gone and there will be a letter saying thank you and some alien language that is decryptable. hope this helps this is all ive got so far.
He traducido eso y como sea verdad puede que sea la solución.
Luigy13733Hace 10 años654
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Comentario de un usuario en el vídeo del "Jetpack Collected": GAMERCREED brickjet Hace 2 días u guys dont understand. u need to be franklin to do this. when you get the jetpack you have to take a selfie with it equipped. after a while, some random guy will send you a call using some crazy alien language. if u killed trevor in the storyline, you go to his house and the Lost would be ransacking it. kill them all and you'll pickup a decrypter. go to omega if you have done his mission and then he'll decrypt the call. u then have to go to zancudo in a mask riding omega's alien car and holding decrypter. the military will let u into the secret lab where u will find alien tech. combine that with jetpack and then fly it to the zancudo ufo. u will destroy but then teleport to mt chiliad. wait for the chiliad ufo to come and then the mountain will open. go inside and fight all the aliens, then you will find alien feul tankers that u must not destroy. wait for military to come and they will thank u and let u use feul for the jetpack. after this you have to destroy all other ufos in the sky (there are three). the final one will have an egg. u then go back to mt chiliad and wait for a long time. then you will faint and then see a huge eye thanking u for stopping invasion. he will then give away secrets including details about leonora johnson(who killed her,how she died,etc). you will then die and now play as michael. repeat the process and then you will restart the game with the jetpack in your inventory instead of a parachute. in the prologue, you will notice that the alien frozen in the lake will be gone and there will be a letter saying thank you and some alien language that is decryptable. hope this helps this is all ive got so far.
He traducido eso y como sea verdad puede que sea la solución.
Hasta donde los militares te llevaban al laboratorio Todo bien pero despues creo que es mentira eso de que se habre la montaña y lo demas
228985Hace 10 años655
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Comentario de un usuario en el vídeo del "Jetpack Collected": GAMERCREED brickjet Hace 2 días u guys dont understand. u need to be franklin to do this. when you get the jetpack you have to take a selfie with it equipped. after a while, some random guy will send you a call using some crazy alien language. if u killed trevor in the storyline, you go to his house and the Lost would be ransacking it. kill them all and you'll pickup a decrypter. go to omega if you have done his mission and then he'll decrypt the call. u then have to go to zancudo in a mask riding omega's alien car and holding decrypter. the military will let u into the secret lab where u will find alien tech. combine that with jetpack and then fly it to the zancudo ufo. u will destroy but then teleport to mt chiliad. wait for the chiliad ufo to come and then the mountain will open. go inside and fight all the aliens, then you will find alien feul tankers that u must not destroy. wait for military to come and they will thank u and let u use feul for the jetpack. after this you have to destroy all other ufos in the sky (there are three). the final one will have an egg. u then go back to mt chiliad and wait for a long time. then you will faint and then see a huge eye thanking u for stopping invasion. he will then give away secrets including details about leonora johnson(who killed her,how she died,etc). you will then die and now play as michael. repeat the process and then you will restart the game with the jetpack in your inventory instead of a parachute. in the prologue, you will notice that the alien frozen in the lake will be gone and there will be a letter saying thank you and some alien language that is decryptable. hope this helps this is all ive got so far.
He traducido eso y como sea verdad puede que sea la solución.
Hasta donde los militares te llevaban al laboratorio Todo bien pero despues creo que es mentira eso de que se habre la montaña y lo demas
Lo has probado? Con el 100%?
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Foros > Grand Theft Auto V > Misterio de Mount Chiliad

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