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WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010
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Foro WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010

Svr 2011

Underpac1Hace 13 años1328
Va si es todo cierto lo que dice primero va estar una masa este futuro juego. muy bueno todo lo que dijiste espero q sea cierto... Aguante 2pac y el enterrador. salu2 desde ARGENTINA...
Luis--Fer8350Hace 13 años1329
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Oigan alguien sabe k luchas nuevas habra o si hay otra mejora
amigo lee esto creo que hay dice que habra mas o menos 100 match lo saque de amazon cuando la pedi A roster of more than 70 of today's prominent WWE Superstars and WWE Divas as well as a virtual WWE experience with more than 100 match types and an extensive number of new playable arenas Game modes including the story-driven, Road to WrestleMania mode and WWE Universe Mode, which empowers players more than ever to define their ultimate gameplay experiences in a dynamic and ever-changing WWE A variety of upgrades to the gameplay experience ensures that all matches and object interactions look and feel unique, dynamic and unpredictable to capture the full essence and authenticity of WWE A creation interface including more options than ever to customize created Superstars, their finishing moves, story designs, paint tool creations and more Searching, sharing and downloading content is greatly simplified through improvements to the WWE Community Creations feature
aqui lo traduci (es traductor google pero algo es algo ) Una lista de más de 70 prominentes de la WWE Superstars hoy y WWE Divas, así como una WWE experiencia virtual con el de 100 tipos de concordancia más y un gran número de nuevos escenarios jugables modos de juego incluyendo la historia-conducido, Road to WrestleMania el modo y el Universo WWE Mode, que permite a los agentes más que nunca a definir sus experiencias de juego y lo último en una siempre cambiante WWE una variedad de mejoras al modo de juego asegura experiencia dinámica que todos los partidos y de las interacciones objeto mirada y la sensación única, dinámica e imprevisible para capturar la esencia completa y la autenticidad de la WWE Una interfaz de creación que incluye más opciones para personalizar a crear superestrellas nunca, sus movimientos finales, los diseños de la historia, la pintura creaciones herramienta de búsqueda y más, el intercambio y la descarga de contenido se ha simplificado considerablemente a través de mejoras a la Comunidad Creaciones WWE función
EDITADO EL 25-08-2010 / 03:52 (EDITADO 1 VEZ)
Hace 13 años1330
Si mejor que los explusaron ya estaban causando muchos problemas de todas maneras seguiremos informando y esa pelea me parese asurda por que este foro estamos hablando de un video juego nuevo de la wwe y agushardy estaba pidiendo un video de la wwe y no abia proble pero si ya fuera de musica es otro presio chamaco te salvas
PABLOHHH1969Hace 13 años1331
Amigos ya tranquilisence no importa quien empezo 1ero o despues, lon que importa es qe ninguno se debe insultar, estamos aqui para debatir sobre el SVR y no para peleas absurdas, el foro es de [b]WWE[/b] Smack Down vs Raw, por lo tanto si se pueden poner videos de WWE, ya tranquilizence ademas ambos aportan su granito de arena. Calmense y sigamos disfrutando de nueva info del SvR2011 y de WWE 
Liquido123105Hace 13 años1332
Como sean alos batos ya los sacaron de la pagina 3djuegos
Luis--Fer8350Hace 13 años1333
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Como sean alos batos ya los sacaron de la pagina 3djuegos
pues si su pelea fue tan extensa que incluso llamo la atencion del moderador... pero ya dejemos el tema y si quieren discutir en el futuro piensen en una diva y se tranquilizaran
Yenziz2Hace 13 años1334
Soi nuevo en este foro y tengo una duda quisiera saber si  ¿ Van A Implementar A Smack down vs Raw 2011 El General Manager Mode? ( para ps2) y ps que otras cosas se implementaran como solo kitan cosas y disfrasan esas kitadas con otras estupideces....
Juanjavier9792Hace 13 años1335
Me alegro que este foro se haya tranquilizado,nos estaba enpeorando,hasta llamaron la atencion del moderador y ahora estan expulsados indefinitivamente,lo bueno es que vuelve la paz a este foro
Wwe--edge--heel395Hace 13 años1336
Nos asercamos al aniversario de 3djuegos de las 100 pagina     , creada por un chico llamado sociales alias "pinocho" que huyo, y que gente colaboradora ha hecho crecer el post con sus aportes y comentarios. Que nos ha hecho sentir unidos como una familia     
EDITADO EL 25-08-2010 / 20:29 (EDITADO 1 VEZ)
Yenziz2Hace 13 años1337
Soi nuevo en este foro y tengo una duda quisiera saber si ¿ Van A Implementar A Smack down vs Raw 2011 El General Manager Mode? ( para ps2) y ps que otras cosas se implementaran como solo kitan cosas y disfrasan esas kitadas con otras estupideces....

Denme respuestas porfavor  confirmadas si se puede
RKOrton209Hace 13 años1338
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Soi nuevo en este foro y tengo una duda quisiera saber si ¿ Van A Implementar A Smack down vs Raw 2011 El General Manager Mode? ( para ps2) y ps que otras cosas se implementaran como solo kitan cosas y disfrasan esas kitadas con otras estupideces.... Denme respuestas porfavor confirmadas si se puede
no estoy muy seguro pero yo entendi k el general manager siempre no lo ivan a`poner para ninguna consola nomas ivan a poner el modo wwe universe y kitar el modo carrera pero se me figura k el wwe universe estara bien chido
EDITADO EL 25-08-2010 / 21:28 (EDITADO 1 VEZ)
RKoOrton133Hace 13 años1339

WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011THQSheamus looks to be one of the most dominant characters in "WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011".

When WWE champion Sheamus is stalking somebody on Monday Night Raw, the night usually ends with a foot to the face, a steel chair to the back, or a slam through the announce table. So when I tell the wrestler whose mesmerizing whiteness has drawn comparisons to everything from mayonnaise to the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man that he's rated a 92 overall in "WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011", but only has a 70 charisma rating, and he then asks where he could find the producers of the game, I wasn't sure what to expect.

"No one has more charisma than me in WWE," he tells me. "70-percent? I've got to talk to these THQ people. You know where I can find them?"

But a few minutes later Sheamus gets his hands on the game (not on the producers), and as his character beats the polygonal pulp out of a digital Randy Orton, the champ forgets all about charisma, concentrating instead on catapulting the Viper face first into the steel cage.

Then, what is supposed to be a quick photo-op of the champ playing the game at THQ's premiere event before SummerSlam, turns into another virtual match, then another.

The champ doesn't want to leave.

"This is fantastic," Sheamus tells me, championship belt hanging from his shoulder as he plays the game.

Not only does "WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011" mark Sheamus' debut in a video game, but he also appears on the European cover of the product, and as a gamer himself, he couldn't be happier (even with 70 charisma).

"I've been playing video games since the Commodore 64 when I was about five years old," he says as we sit down to talk about his character. "Throughout the years I've had PlayStations and Nintendos, and right now I have a PlayStation 3 at home, so I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of this game. I grew up playing games like 'War Zone' and the old 'Smackdown', so I'm very excited to see myself in a game."

Jon Robinson: You grew up playing video games with characters like Triple H featured prominently. What's it like for you now to share the same ring with him for real?

Sheamus: It's really, really cool because I was into playing the wrestling games as a teenager, and I was really into all of the characters. Then to go to WrestleMania and take on Triple H, it was special for me. It's cool to think that all these people will now get the chance to play as me in "Smackdown vs. Raw 2011" and they can use me to kick Triple H around.

WWE champ Sheamus
WWEWould tanning ruin Sheamus' gimmick at this point?

Jon Robinson: How influential has Triple H been on your career?

Sheamus: Even before I got to WWE, I studied Triple H. He was one of my favorite superstars, his wrestling was ruthless, and I think a lot of his style you can see in me a little bit. He was one of the guys who influenced me to take the steps where I wanted to go and it was a great honor to hook up at Mania with him and a great honor to put him out at Extreme Rules one month later. He's definitely one of the biggest influences of my career.

Jon Robinson: It seems like you came out of nowhere to become the champ, and now you're also on the cover of the European game. What do you attribute to your fast rise in WWE? I can't remember a guy who has jumped so far so quick.

Sheamus: I don't think anybody has, as far as I'm concerned, moved up to get the spot I have so fast. Sometimes you kind of forget where you come from, but walking into this THQ event, I see the big poster on the wall of me after winning the title for the first time and I just want to pinch myself.

Jon Robinson: I was just playing a match and hit Miz with a steel chair and a ladder. What's it like to get hit with that stuff during a match for real?

Sheamus: What we do is very, very physical no matter what. People like to say that it's all pre-determined, but that doesn't mean it doesn't get physical out there. It really takes a toll on our bodies and that's why we're always telling kids not to try this at home. We're highly trained, skilled athletes in what we do, and trust me, the safest place to wrestle is in the video game. What we do in the ring is dangerous and really takes its toll ... and we know what we're doing.

WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011THQDon't try these moves at home, fella.

Jon Robinson: First time I saw you walk out to the ring, you were so white I thought the color was off on my TV. Your look is so much a part of who you are, do you fear tanning would destroy part of your gimmick?

Sheamus: I can't get a tan to be honest with you. I get bright red then I get white again. [laughs] I can't actually get a tan, but what's funny is it has definitely helped me stand out from day one. Just being different -- not being tan, not having the short hair or the long hair like everybody else, my Irish accent -- there are a lot of different things that put me in the right place at the right time, and I knew if I got the opportunity, I'd take it. That's what I've done from day one. You give me an opportunity, I'll run a mile.

Jon Robinson: Your character is built around Celtic mythology and is a warrior from the days of old. What made you want to go that direction?

Sheamus: I'm just sick and tired of the typical Irish stereotypes. All you see are leprechauns and drunken Irish parties with green beer, but I wanted to bring a more positive look at the Irish. Back in the day, the Celts were some of the most feared warriors in the entire civilized world. People were afraid of the Celts, they were vicious warriors, so I wanted to bring that strong warrior to WWE and it has worked so far.

Jon Robinson: How would you describe the crowd difference from what you were used to in Europe and what you see in the U.S.?

Sheamus: There is a difference everywhere we go, whether it's New Zealand, Australia, France, Germany ... even within the United States, the crowds are different on the east coast than they are on the west coast, and they're also different down south. People react to certain things and certain people differently. The crowds just react different everywhere we go, and it's up to us to recognize that and feed off of it. It keeps it interesting for us as well.

Jon Robinson: You might get booed one night and cheered the next.

Sheamus: I never get cheered. The only difference is how many jars of mayonnaise signs I see in the crowd. [laughs]

Jon Robinson: I hear you did some security work for Bono before heading to WWE. What was that like? Did you ever have to get physical defending him from a crazy fan?

Sheamus: When he'd come to Dublin, he liked to come to this nightclub. He'd come in, sit down, and have a few pints, so we'd do security for him. I'm a bigger star than Bono is now, so he's the one looking for my autograph. [laughs]

WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011THQWill Sheamus be the one to end The Undertaker's streak at Wrestlemania?

Jon Robinson: What's it like going through airport security with the belt? Do you have to take it out of the suitcase for inspection?

Sheamus: Every time I go through security there are like seven TSA guys standing around and holding it up like four-year-old kids. I think it's a security threat every time I go in because everyone in TSA seems to move to my conveyor belt. It's funny. I always give myself an extra half hour to get through security now because of the belt.

Jon Robinson: Where do you see yourself headed for Wrestlemania 2011? Do you have a dream match?

Sheamus: I'd like another crack at Triple H, only I want to beat him this time. John Cena, Randy Orton, or even the Undertaker. What the heck, I'd like to take the streak. Just because I'm WWE champion doesn't mean I'm going to sit back and take my foot off the gas.
EDITADO EL 26-08-2010 / 02:02 (EDITADO 2 VECES)
Johncena98142Hace 13 años1340
Ya pude jugar el svr 2011 y esta genial!!!!
[u][i][b]Si no lo compran moriran[/b][/i][/u]
El hell in a cell es increible y se pueden hacer finishers arriba de la celda osea los puedes tirar yo jugue con edge y puedes hacer la lanza y tirarlos
EDITADO EL 26-08-2010 / 03:48 (EDITADO 1 VEZ)
Luis--Fer8350Hace 13 años1341
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Ya pude jugar el svr 2011 y esta genial!!!! [u][i][b]Si no lo compran moriran[/b][/i][/u] El hell in a cell es increible y se pueden hacer finishers arriba de la celda osea los puedes tirar yo jugue con edge y puedes hacer la lanza y tirarlos Algunos
como lo jugaste ?
Johncena98142Hace 13 años1342
Si has visto que en algunas fotos aparece gente jugando nooo?
El punto es que aqui en mexico hubo una cosa asi y yo solicite una entrada 
Y lojugue esta chido!!!
Jugue el demo
EDITADO EL 26-08-2010 / 04:55 (EDITADO 1 VEZ)
RKOrton209Hace 13 años1343
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Si has visto que en algunas fotos aparece gente jugando nooo? El punto es que aqui en mexico hubo una cosa asi y yo solicite una entrada Y lojugue esta chido!!! Jugue el demo
dinos k sentistes comparte tu emocion
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